Guide to Profitable Sales

Logo CLI and Lando Local

After we installed Drupal on the host we see it congratulating us but that we need to so some other stuff. A big one is getting Platform’s CLI working and bringing a copy of our hosted Drupal site to our local machine. Our local copy will run on Lando.

Click “Start” to get to the next page. We have already partly done some of this via the simple fact that we used our GitHub account to sign up for our account. Remember, we didn’t set up a specific project repository for our Project on GitHub yet; we will do that later. But we obviously had a GitHub account and logically we have Git globally installed on our local machine (something noted as a prerequisite step). We granted access approval earlier so our SSH connect is already established. Thus, just click the “Download The CLI” highlighted text to proceed.

On the page for the second step you just copy the short code block (via clicking on the little squares at the end of the correct line for your machine Operating System).

You need somewhere to ‘Paste’ what you copied and we are going to open the ‘Terminal’ to use the Command Line If you look in your files under the “Applications” directory, near the bottom you will see a “Utilities” sub-directory. Toward the bottom select ‘Terminal’. (In Windows it is the command prompt and you can move your mouse pointer to the bottom-left corner of the screen and right-click, or you can press Windows key + X to get there).

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