Guide to Profitable Sales


Some helpful HTML


If you tend to use a lot of jardon, the abbreviation tag is wonderful. BTSB and you can use it for all your favorite SCJ


This html mark command is basically a highlighter of whatever is between its open and close. It is default 'yellow' in highlight color.

Sub & Super Script

If you are writing out a chemistry equation you might want to subscript; or are you a superscript person?

This text contains subscript text

This text contains superscript text

𝑥2 - 3𝑥 - 28 = 0. Solve for 𝑥.

H2SO4 + NaOH → Na2SO4 + H2O

Opening Details

Open me! This is a demonstration of a disclosure widget. You put in whatever narrative here and then when people click the summary triangle, this thing opens up to show the details.

Quote me

Most of the time you would just edit stuff and change it. But if you ever need to let someone know what was you can use…

Strike Through

a strikethrough tag around the old and then show the new.

List Group

Sometimes a list of items might better be presented in groups from an option select box.

Option Box

Or maybe at a more basic level you just need a form input box with a list of option values to select from…

Field Groups

If you have a bunch of fields you need on your form but they should be presented in logical groups you can do this…


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