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Content Type

A specific Entity Type

Probably the most common Entity Type to understand for the most basic of websites is the Content Type. Out of the box Drupal provides two Content Types; Article and Basic Page. Actually, there are two more in their as well but they just need to be activated or enabled; the Book module and the Forum module.

But let’s say you were aiming to build a newspaper site. Would these standard Content Types be sufficient? Maybe, but you might want to assure different fields were present in say a News Article rather than a Sports or a Finance/Business section article. Therefore, you might make these unique content types. What about a Press Release or a Alert or a …

To add a Content Type isn’t a big deal. The point is that you will find yourself wanting to include different Content Types serving different proposes on your website. The general guidance is NOT to go overboard with this flexiblity in the underlying technical tool of a CMS. However, when your website’s unique need demand lots of Content Types you may want a better way to organize them. Consider the …

Type Tray module

After you have added any content types you might want to consider using the Type Tray module. It is really a valuable interface modification for content editors. They can select from a nice set of buttons the right content type for what they want to input during their workday.

Learn More - Drupal Modules List