Guide to Profitable Sales


Display File Info

It was mentioned previously that Drupal tends to be sort of a workhorse CMS for bigger demand websites. And, therefore, it is commonly selected by large businesses, universities and even government. If you think about the types of things this types of organization want to include, it can often be the dislay of datasets. And those datasets may exist in the form of Excel spreadsheets, or on PDFs, or in CSV and other formats.

Before covering the wider file range and actions, if you are just looking to display PDF files you might simply use the External Links module with a little extra set up. This is explained in this video documentation

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to simply set up a Drupal set of pages where these types of files might be displayed. And how wonderful if they might be seen as the underlying data adjust; like a stock price, or a traffic count, or park visitor, etc.

You want to give a try with the …

Viewer Module

Seeing what the Viewer Module can do will make you a believer that Drupal is for you. The range of options you have in setting up tables, and even displaying the underlying data as graphs will amaze.

composer require drupal/viewer
drush en viewer

Digital Asset Management

This is stepping over the boundary to more than just a module. However, if you are looking to deal with lots of files, you may want to consider a serious Drupal based off the shelf option. There may be some expense involved depending on how you define your connection to the underlying group responsible for the system. It is something that universities, museums, or other organizations who have a range of digital assets that they are responsible for turn to for a solution. And being basic upon Drupal, you already know you can do so much more wrapped around this as well. Checkout Islandora!

Learn More - Drupal Modules List