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Some people think of flags as an option within CKeditor that allows you to mark some specific link location on a page somewhere in your website. That is no surprising since you use the little flag symbol in the editor. If you are familiar with “markup” like is used in building this site hosted on GitHub Pages, the concept is the same as [Name](directory/page#location).

Check out using anchor links

Flag Module

Another way people think of flags is ‘to report something’ such as flagging an offensive post. The Flag Module is also used for a user to flag something to read later or as a favorite, much like “bookmarking” an entry. The Drupal version used in this overview video is way out of date, but it still gives a pretty quick general idea about the module. There are dozens of uses that you can spinoff of this basic concept and, though dated, the Flag Module Documentation overviews many. For a ‘How to’ on the Flag module try this.

Website Feedback Module

Don’t forget to checkout the Website Feedback Module as an alternative or addition to the Flag Module. What if offers is to provide an opportunity to report specifics about a node or page, perhaps with a screenshot to help elaborate the issue.

Rating Feedback Module

Sometimes you want to have people put stars on something to indicate how much they like it. You can associate this capability with any content type your want but it might be nice on something like articles where you want to capture how much people like particular stories or authors. The FiveStar module is a good option. Here is an overview of an example approach

Learn More - Drupal Modules List