Guide to Profitable Sales


Links & Modals

Linkit module

The Linkit module claims three main advantages over traditional linking:

  1. The user does not have to copy or remember a URL
  2. If a URL alias of a link changes, the link still works
  3. It provides configurable information about matching links in the autocomplete

The good news is it has the same “look and feel” as the core linking. The autocomplete, the Token support, settings adjustments by profile, and integration with configuration synchronization makes it comfortable to use.

The Editor Advanced Link module is often used with Linkit because it adds additional controls to the link. For example, you might use it to direct a link to open in a new window or browser tab. In addition, you can use it to put CSS classes or IDs on an HTML attribute giving you even more control. There is some set up in involved to bring all the capabilities of this module forward to the widget window to turn on all these functions. This includes being able to include access to it in your CKEditor and highlight a test hyperlink in the body of text.

The Entity Embed Links module may be an alternative for integration with Drupals Media Management.

Linked Field module

Just linking an individual field. The Linked Field module provides the field formatter so you can do things like set up an image to the entered link.

Sometimes you have set up a field group to combine related fields into one entity. In this situation you want to use the Field Group Link module rather than just the Linked Field module.

Iframe module

The Iframe modules controls how you open a linked site; as a frame within yours or as a separate browser tab.

The CKEditor Iframe module provides the capability to use an iframe while working on a page with your editor tool.

Sometime you might need to know How to ‘Bypass an iframe blocked website link’

The External Links module basically is used to put an icon next to those links used on your site that will take a user outside your site.

The Modal module is a handy way to use modals on your site. Check with your designers as modal use bounces in and out of popularity in site UI/UX thinking.

Modals - Command Line

Selwyn Polit’s online Drupal book is also helpful if you are ready to work at the detailed coding level with modals.

Learn More - Drupal Modules List