Guide to Profitable Sales


Open Source Solutions

Discover a plethora of amazing free tools, ranging from locally installed software to browser-based ones. ARMTEC has handpicked some favorites. Remember, if you love and use an Open Source tool, give back to the community in any way you can, not just technically.

Office Suite:

You may already have something from Microsoft or Apple that you got when you bought your computer. These are great. There is an open source alternative Office Suite for documents, drawings, spreadsheets, database, and even for formulas that you might want to use.

Design Your Site:

It is standard practice to design your first. Start with some simple principles; 1) List out what content you want to present, 2) Group that content into story chunks, 3) Shuffle common chunks to see which might make a separate page on a menu, 4) Within each page chunk pile think as your goal to present individual story concepts per row or horizontal block. This video provideds beginner layout guidance Go through the design process in easy steps with increasing levels of sophistication. A napkin at the bar isn’t off the table as a first level option even for a website that eventually may be developed in something as sophisticated as Drupal. Pencil and pad are pretty easy to rough something out and change. You might move to a drawing tool in your Office Suite to make something to show others and get a first reaction. The pictures you use in your mockup might come from free internet images, your own camera, or illustrations you do. For website design at increasing detail, move to using some easy tools before you start actually programming it. Some even suggest code that will get you a step ahead in front-end development of your site.






Handy Utilities:

Other Open Source tools

There are websites where people concentrate on listing all sorts of Open Source tools. Sometimes you find some good ones, other times you find a bust. But if you have time to waste, go for it -

YOU & Open Source

ARMTEC strongly supports Open Source tools, where people contribute their time to create resources that are freely accessible to the public. In return, you can give back to the Open Source community by donating your time, resources, or skills. You don’t have to be a programming genius to get involved - if you have a talent for simplifying complex topics, you can make a valuable contribution. In fact, you are probably just what Open Source software developers need…

“Free software is suffering because coders don’t know how to write documentation”, The Next Web, June 2, 2017

ARMTEC believes that Open Source tools are not just about big software systems, but also about filling gaps in knowledge and helping people understand how to bring different parts together. ARMTEC believes that Open Source business concepts are just as important as computer code. While this site is our personal resource collection, we welcome others to access and benefit from it. If it helps you meet your needs, great! And if it sparks your interest in working with practical experts, feel free to reach out to us.

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