Guide to Profitable Sales


Concept Test

Concept testing is a critical step in assuring your communications are relevant and persuasive. If you are not familiar with the general use of concept testing you might first glance through an overview. The draft questionnaire below will need some customization for the project’s specific requirements, however, it should offer a starting template.

Example Concept Test Questionaire

In this example, a respondent was mailed a set of concepts in individual envelops with instruction code on their exterior. A follow up interview is then conducted with the questions below:

INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO OPEN FIRST ENVELOP CONTAINING CALIBRATION CONTROL CONCEPT, STATE “I would like you to look at this picture and carefully read the description of the product shown. Please take your time.”

Based on the picture and description that you just read, which statement below best describes how you feel about buying (Insert Stimulus Description)?

       Definitely would buy .............................1
       Probably would buy ...............................2
       Might or might not buy ...........................3   GO TO CDIS
       Probably would not buy ...........................4   GO TO CDIS
       Definitely would not buy .........................5   GO TO CDIS

This is known as a purchase intent question that may be used to project volumes.

Based on the description you just read, what is there about () that you think you'd like? Please be as specific as possible.  
Based on the description you just read, what is there about () that you think you'd dislike? Please be as specific as possible.  

Which statement best describes how much you think you would like or dislike ( )?

       Like extremely ...................................1
       Like very well ...................................2
       Like quite well ..................................3
       Like somewhat ....................................4
       Like slightly ....................................5
       Not like at all ..................................6

Considering the price of () as given in the description, [INSERT LINK TO CONCEPT BOARD] which statement below best describes how you feel about the value of this product?

       Very good value ..................................1
       Fairly good value ................................2
       Average value ....................................3
       Somewhat poor value ..............................4
       Very poor value ..................................5

INSTRUCT RESPONDENT TO OPEN THE SECOND ENVELOP CONTAINING THE TEST CONCEPT, STATE “I would like you to look at this picture and carefully read the description of the product shown. Please take your time.”

Based on the picture and description that you just read, which statement below best describes how you feel about buying ( )?

       Definitely would buy .............................1
       Probably would buy ...............................2
       Might or might not buy ...........................3   GO TO CDIS
       Probably would not buy ...........................4   GO TO CDIS
       Definitely would not buy .........................5   GO TO CDIS
Based on the description you just read, what is there about () that you think you'd like? Please be as specific as possible.  
Based on the description you just read, what is there about () that you think you'd dislike? Please be as specific as possible.  

Which statement best describes how much you think you would like or dislike ()?

       Like extremely ...................................1
       Like very well ...................................2
       Like quite well ..................................3
       Like somewhat ....................................4
       Like slightly ....................................5
       Not like at all ..................................6

Considering the price of () as given in the description, [INSERT LINK TO CONCEPT BOARD] which statement below best describes how you feel about the value of this product?

       Very good value ..................................1
       Fairly good value ................................2
       Average value ....................................3
       Somewhat poor value ..............................4
       Very poor value ..................................5

How would you rate () in terms of being new and different from other products currently available?

       Extremely new and different ......................1
       Very new and different ...........................2
       Somewhat new and different .......................3
       Slightly new and different .......................4
       Not at all new and different .....................5

If you tried this plan and liked it, which of the following best describes how likely you would be to recommend () to others?

       Definitely would recommend  ......................1
       Probably would recommend  ........................2
       Might or might not recommend  ....................3
       Probably would not recommend  ....................4
       Definitely would not recommend  ..................5

If () was not available a your current store, where you most often currently go, how likely would you be to go to another store to get it?

       Definitely would go to another store .............1
       Probably would go to another store ...............2
       Might or might not go to store....................3
       Probably would not go to store....................4
       Definitely would not go to store..................5

Which statement listed below best describes how you feel about the believability of the statements made about ()?

       Completely believable ............................1   GO TO Q???
       Somewhat believable ..............................2   GO TO Q???
       Neither believable nor unbelievable ..............3   GO TO Q???
       Somewhat unbelievable ............................4
       Completely unbelievable ..........................5 ``` Why do you say the statements made about () are somewhat/completely) unbelievable?  Please be as specific as possible.   __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ```

Next, I would like to know how much you agree or disagree with some statements about this product. While I realize that you tried this product, I would like you to base your answers on what you have seen and read in the product description.

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about ()? (RANDOMIZE STATEMENTS)

(These should be more “feature like” elements we expect a person to take away from the concept statement)

Choose one answer for each statement below.

                                    Agree    Agree     Nor    Disagree Disagree
                                  Strongly Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Strongly
    Concept diagnostic ..   (55)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (56)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (57)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (58)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (59)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (60)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (61)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (62)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (63)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (64)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (65)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (66)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (67)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (68)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (69)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (70)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (71)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (72)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (73)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (74)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (75)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (76)      1        2        3        4        5
    Concept diagnostic ..   (77)      1        2        3        4        5

Which statements best describe the reasons why you, yourself, would use this benefit plan? Choose As Many As Apply.

(These should be more “positioning statement” level elements at a higher level which would be the feeling we expect to endure in our brand equity creation)
       Other (specify) ____________________________ .....19

Are you currently buying some type of _________(insert category)___________, or not?

  ___ Yes
  ___ No, Skip to Q????

What company/product currently provides your _________(insert category)__________?

      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Company/Product
      ___ Other: _______________________________

Which of the following best describes the type of _________(insert category)_________ you have? (READ LIST)

          ___ Company/Product Subtype Descriptor
          ___ Company/Product Subtype Descriptor
          ___ Company/Product Subtype Descriptor
          ___ Company/Product Subtype Descriptor
          ___ Company/Product Subtype Descriptor

Can you tell me the name of the specific product you have with (insert company from Q??)?

  ___ YES, Record Product Name ______________________________________
  ___ NO

Home long have you had that (insert company/product from Q???)? Would you say … ?

  ___ Less than one month
  ___ 1 to 6 months
  ___ 7 months to 1 year
  ___ 1 to 5 years, or
  ___ Over 5 years
  ___ Don’t Know/No Response

Which of the following best describes your employment status? Are you? (READ LIST)

  ___ Employed full-time
  ___ Employed part-time
  ___ Temporarily unemployed
  ___ Retired
  ___ A homemaker

Which of the following best describes your current living conditions?

          ___ Living independently
          ___ Living with extended family
          ___ In assisted living/nursing home
          ___ Other, please specify _______________________

Including yourself, how many people are there living in your household? This includes babies, but does not include students living at school.

                                                        (14) SP
       1 ................................................1
       2 ................................................2
       3 ................................................3
       4 ................................................4
       5 ................................................5
       6 ................................................6
       7 ................................................7
       8 ................................................8
       9 or more ........................................9

Which would best classify your age group?

  ___ Under 65
  ___ 65-69
  ___ 70-74
  ___ 80-84
  ___ 85 or above
  ___ (DO NOT READ) No Response 

What is your gender?

                                                        (40) SP
       Male .............................................1
       Female ...........................................2

So that we can analyze results by various groups of people, I need to know an estimate of your total annual household income. Please include all the money earned or received, such as salaries, tips, commissions, bonuses, retirement income or any other investment income. Would you say your household income is …? (READ LIST)

  ___ Less than $20,000
  ___ $20,000-$39,999
  ___ $40,000-$49,999
  ___ $50,000-$69,999              (CHECK FOR CURRENT CENSUS INCOME BREAKS)
  ___ $70,000-$89,999
  ___ $90,000 or above
  ___ (DO NOT READ) No Response 

Could you please tell me which of the following best describes your race?

  ___ Caucasian
  ___ African American
  ___ Asian
  ___ American Indian
  ___ Pacific Islander
  ___ Other

Are you of Hispanic origin?

  ___ Yes
  ___ No

Thank you for completing today’s survey. It will be recorded as complete after you finish with this screen. We will then process this information and place your name back in the group to be selected for the next survey. In a few weeks, you will receive notification by mail to alert you to the next interview for you to complete.

Thanks for your help, your opinions are important.


       Thinking again about the *picture and description* of (), which
       statement below best describes how you would rate the picture on the
       quality of the image produced as it appears on your screen?

       Excellent ........................................1
       Very Good ........................................2
       Good .............................................3
       Fair .............................................4
       Poor .............................................5 ________________________________________________________________________________

       And how would you rate the ease of reading the words included in the
       product description?

       Very Easy to Read ................................1
       Somewhat Easy to Read ............................2
       Somewhat Difficult to Read .......................3
       Very Difficult to Read ...........................4 ________________________________________________________________________________

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